Earl Benson

Earl - 2011
Earl Benson 1994
Earl Benson  ALCO 
ACME Business Products 
Email (Click Here)

Prior to founding Acme Business Products in 1979, Earl Benson drove a bread truck, delivering bread to groceries and restaurants.  From '79 to '83 and beyond, Earl grew ACME to be one of the largest and leading privately owned office equipment companies in the nation, respected by customers, vendors and manufacturers alike.  Earl sold ACME Business Products, to AOP in 1983 and continued expanding his regional and national responsibilities with AOP until retiring just a few years ago. 
Earl and Sandy  1992  Peter and Ros
Before AOP and while part of the growing office equipment giant, Earl was know as a very strong, hard working, soft spoken, southern gentleman, and "that he was"!  He expected great things from everyone and usually got it!  Earl was definitely a leader in our industry and understood every aspect of this business inside and out.  
Earl and Sandra 2011

Earl and Sandra 1994

Today, Earl and Sandra still live in their beautiful home in Macon and he spends his retirement with Sandra and his family.  "Personally, it was a real pleasure working with Mr. Benson"!   The link below talks more about the kind of people that Earl and Sandy are, please take a look. 
Sandra and Earl on one of our Hawaii trips


Earl Benson said...

Sandra and I just viewed this video and it brought tears to our eyes....we absolutely enjoyed this production.
Thank you for doing this. What a life!!!!!

Earl Benson said...

I have just opened "AOP Today", and it's absolutely fantastic.............You are doing a great job with this.
I will check our old photos and see if I can send you something that you may be able to use.
Thanks for sending me this.
Your Friend,
